Over 30 attendees joined in-person for Stakeholder Summit 3.0 held on October 26, 2022 at Cleveland City Hall. The purpose of the session was to convene members of the Working Groups, so they could share ideas with each other. Co-chairs from each of the four Working Groups presented their respective prototype proposals, enabling all attendees to see what the other groups were working on.
After brief presentations by the co-chairs, attendees split up into their Working Groups to further develop their prototypes. During the 45 minute hands-on session, attendees created a range of physical prototypes, including a process flowchart, data integration map, draft web forum, and a community engagement tool. These prototypes were pinned on the walls for all attendees to see.
For the last part of the event, attendees walked around to the displays from all four Working Groups to review the prototypes, discuss ideas with other groups members, and share feedback with post-it notes.
The prototypes generated and ideas collected during the Stakeholder Summit will be used by the Working Groups to further develop their design solutions. Prototypes will be tested through focus groups and feedback from members of the community. The CLEVLOT process will continue to increase participation from members of the public through subsequent events. Ultimately, this iterative process will create a collaboratively-built, open-source database and planning tool to guide vacant land reuse projects and management strategies for the advancement of environmental justice, public health, and quality of life for Cleveland’s overburdened communities.
View the slides presented at the event below:
View documentation of the event outcomes below: